Kaolin Clay for face mask

Hi Girls, You know Kaolin Clay is a very fine clay and is one of the most gentle clays. Since it does not draw too much oil, it is suitable for people with dry or sensitive skin. It is mildly exfoliating and makes the skin soft. Just getting my hands on this clay and will be using it to make face masks soon. So stay tuned đŸ™‚

Easy Natural Honey Turmeric Facemask


Whenever I get a chance, I try to find nature’s answers to beauty questions. It not only keeps my skin chemical free, but is also healthier and with long lasting benefits. Our grandmothers had such lovely skin without using anything which only targets the 5 signs of ageing ;-).

Such home recipes are closer to nature, chemical free, have no side effects and give better results than the commercial counterparts available.

There are a lot of facemasks products around, both chemical laced as well as natural. I do not even look at the former ones. Among the latter ones, there are some facemasks which are made from different types of mud, others are made from algae or sea weed. In the race to feel exotic, we sometimes skip the ingredients commonly available in our kitchen. Not because they give less-than-great results but probably because they do not have snob value attached to them.

Honey and Turmeric are full of benefits not only for using as food but also for our beauty routines.


Honey has incredible benefits for the skin because of its anti-bacterial properties.

  • It can help reduce acne.
  • It is also filled with anti oxidants and is great at slowing aging.
  • You can use it as a general face mask or as spot treatment for acne scars or under eye bags. Just dab lightly over damp skin and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • It helps unclog pores and makes the skin feel soft and supple.
  • You can also use it as to exfoliate by mixing it with coffee grounds or coarse oatmeal.


Just like honey, Turmeric has been used for skincare for centuries in India.

  • Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory nature makes it especially useful for keeping the skin healthy and glowing.
  • The idea of haldi ceremony before marriage is essentially to add glow to the skin on the wedding day.
  • Turmeric helps remove discoloration and pigmentation to give evenness and glow to the face.
  • Coupled with honey or yogurt or both, it makes an excellent facemask to keep the skin healthy.